
I did my bachelors in Performing Arts (Theatre Arts) and consistently pursuing the calling of my dreams and vision, making films, rather, the creative aspects of filmmaking. Theatre also holds a huge piece of my heart, so I love spending my time either on a set, or on a stage.
from a young age I've been thrilled about technology, design, science, art, culture & music. Creating new stories and idea's sets me on fire! art, history, mysteries and the esoteric knowledge fascinate me. My career graph always followed the direction of my diligence. in the past, I’ve dabbled in many things such as acting, music and photography. Visual storytelling is my passion through which I create engaging cinematic content that arouse your senses and hopefully convey a feeling of awe. out of this passion, I have written, directed & produced number of festival screened short films, music videos, documentaries and ad films. I have had the honor of working with international clients from a wide variety of industries, broadcast television, corporate sectors, organizations and artists. Storytelling is my passion, I enjoy the creative process of brainstorming, building and developing ideas to a clients’ remit. but i always go above what is required to satisfy my own standards. I also take a lot of pride in working on my own personal "passion" projects such as, "The Connoisseur's Journal", "Universal Religion" and "Full Moon Project". Over the last couple of years my work reached millions of people worldwide motivating me to continue my journey as a Writer, Actor, Director, Cinematographer, Sound Designer, Music Producer and editor in my own studio based in Ahmedabad, India.

The best way to tell you who I am is to tell you what I see, hear and live. What I write is simply an overflow of interactions I have with the brokenness of the human condition. Some of it comes in dreams. other times it emerges from seasons of sorrow, humiliation, warfare, joy and pain. What I make reflects my experiences in life, my emotions, my feelings about certain things, my stories and of course, the many worlds that reside in my imagination. So when I say "I make films" it just means that I am manifesting bits and pieces of me in a motion and the rest of the time I spend making music.

I am endlessly creating myself with peace, positivity and good vibes. I have been living quite of nomadic-hippie lifestyle and so, i am always up for travel. I hope you enjoy my work and please feel free to reach out to me via email if you have any questions, want to collaborate or hire me for a project. 
This blog has been migrated to jayrajsinhchavda.wordpress.com

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